

發(fā)布于:2020-08-21 15:44:05  來(lái)源:http://www.88l9.cn

Seeing a lot of beautiful, tall wooden barrels, I really have to marvel at human creativity. After tasting delicious wine, I have an unspeakable love for wooden wine barrels. By chance, my friend actually took me to see the production factory of wooden wine barrel, and strolled around. The original tall wooden wine barrel was produced in this way.
This kind of tall wooden cask, very popular with most people! What is its production process? Take a look at the following operations:
Production process of tall solid wood wine barrel
1、 Selection and treatment of wood, these should be based on the specific requirements of the guests, too professional knowledge and operation to specific problems. Forget about
Production process of tall solid wood wine barrel
2、 Materials to be produced, with CNC band saw material, flat material, out of the curvature of the material. High efficiency and high quality production is very important. This step is very important for large wooden wine barrels. Different sizes will directly affect the quality and appearance of the whole barrel after assembly.
Production process of tall solid wood wine barrel
3、 After the opening of the material, but also to add, in the two ends of the corresponding position to dig out the tenon position. This is the concave position in the figure.
Production process of tall solid wood wine barrel
4、 After digging the tenon, the assembly work began. A piece of arc-shaped material is arranged in a line and fixed with small supporting sticks. The semicircles are processed.
Production process of tall solid wood wine barrel
5、 After the barrel is semicircular, enter the grinding process. Grinding inner circle - closing low - grinding outer circle. Finally, the hoop and hoop are generally made of galvanized steel and stainless steel with a thickness of 3mm.
6、 The success or failure of the cask entered the final work, anticorrosion, waterproof treatment, polishing, painting, after a series of work, beautiful, tall wooden wine barrels can be packed and shipped.


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