

發(fā)布于:2017-07-13 16:56:08  來源:http://www.88l9.cn

Production of stainless steel wooden barrel can be divided into the following five steps:
1. of the first to take down the wood into wood, when using a hacksaw cutting, will destroy the ring and wood fiber itself, so in the first step of the manufacturing process must be used for artificial ax, and after fine grinding a smooth surface of wood, which is the basis to make good wine casks of wood powder;
2. for a long time, drying wood. Oak chips must be placed in the process of making outdoor, mainly in order to increase the water resistance of oak, can also weaken the astringency of tannins;
3. combine the oak chips. Cut the dried oak into small pieces of middle width and small ends. Usually 32 oak pieces are needed to make a barrel, and oak is fixed with iron bars;
4. is a crucial step, heating and smoking like a barrel. By heating oak, this method leaves oak with a smoky flavour, which gives the soaked wine a flavour of almonds and bread;
The 5. test will cover bulk wine wood wine lid seal inspection, inspection qualified after they can put bulk wine casks of wood art processing, into the market.
Made in accordance with the above method can be completed in stainless steel wooden barrel.


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