

發(fā)布于:2023-01-21 17:03:22  來(lái)源:http://www.88l9.cn

Automatic vending machines are vending machines that are placed in restaurants, supermarkets and convenience stores to serve drinking consumers and make money. So what is the model of self-service wine vending machine? Why is it called money machine? Next, let's look at the advantages of the intelligent wine vending machine.
1、 Beverage selection of self-service vending machine
It is difficult for everyone to tune in, which requires us to try our best to meet the taste needs of the public in the selection of liquor for the vending machine. At present, the shared intelligent wine vending machine developed by the brand supports customized multiple outlets, which can be selected by users. The wine and price can be customized. When consumers need to drink, they can scan the code and buy according to their personal preferences.
2、 Self-service wine vending machine cannot rely solely on hardware
Shared intelligent wine selling is not just a machine, but a solution combining software and hardware. In addition to providing hardware, the wine vending machine has a powerful management platform. Through the platform, users can realize real-time account splitting, real-time data gap, and big data comparison and analysis. More precise positioning of target users, real intelligent sharing, and the new concept of Internet plus finance.
3、 Self-service wine vending machine meets the needs of the market environment
Among domestic traditional Baijiu, more high-end Baijiu will choose the traditional marketing mode, and only e-commerce platform sales are targeted at the Internet. In the middle and low-end Baijiu market, more consumers choose offline consumption environment. Under the test of shared new retail, the intelligent liquor vending machine has provided a new breakthrough for retail Baijiu and made a great contribution to the entire consumption environment.
4、 It provides great convenience for users and consumers
Under the traditional marketing mode, the big problem in the Baijiu industry is to increase prices layer by layer. The quality cannot be guaranteed. In view of this situation, the intelligent wine vending machine has solved the thorny problem with its unique 'new internet retail'. The intelligent self-service wine vending machine can set the profit proportion for users (wineries), and the liquor will be paid in real time after being sold, which solves the problem of overstock and insufficient cash flow.
On the other hand, for consumers, through mobile phone code scanning, electronic payment, and "how much to drink, how much to play", excessive waste is avoided and eliminated, so that consumers can directly purchase Baijiu with quality assurance from the source. Really achieve good wine is not expensive! Come to our website if you have relevant requirements http://www.88l9.cn Ask!


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