

發(fā)布于:2023-05-18 10:05:58  來源:http://www.88l9.cn

Stainless steel wine barrels are currently commonly used containers for brewing and storing liquor. Due to their good corrosion resistance and easy cleaning, they are widely used. Many businesses clean stainless steel lined solid wood wine barrels before using them, which is understandable, but it is important to pay attention to the cleaning method, otherwise it will affect the service life of stainless steel lined solid wood wine barrels. Below, the editor will introduce some cleaning methods for stainless steel inner solid wood wine barrels.
1. When cleaning stainless steel barrels, it is not allowed to use some corrosive cleaning agents, otherwise it will affect the anti-corrosion properties of the stainless steel barrel and reduce its service life.
2. If the surface of the stainless steel wine barrel is contaminated with grease, oil, or lubricating oil, we must first wipe it clean with a soft cloth, and then use neutral detergent or ammonia solution or special detergent to clean it. For some special items that are difficult to clean, can these substances be left on the stainless steel surface for a long time.
3. When cleaning, it is necessary to pay attention to timely drying after cleaning, otherwise it can easily cause corrosion of the stainless steel inner solid wood wine barrel and produce a smell of iron.
4. When cleaning stainless steel inner solid wood wine barrels, it is not allowed to use objects with edges or wire balls, as this will damage the protective layer on the surface of the stainless steel inner solid wood wine barrel.
The above are the precautions for cleaning stainless steel inner solid wood wine barrels. We hope you can strictly follow these cleaning rules to prolong the service life of our stainless steel inner solid wood wine barrels. For more related matters, come to our website http://www.88l9.cn Consult!


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