

發(fā)布于:2023-08-21 19:39:51  來源:http://www.88l9.cn

The application of solid wood wine barrels to store alcoholic products has a better taste and mellow taste, which has been recognized and liked by many customers. So, what areas should everyone pay special attention to when applying? Next, we will explain several common misconceptions to everyone.
Myth 1: Anything can be packed inside.
Wooden wine barrels do not only bring benefits to wine, nor do not all wines taste better after experiencing them. Only "naturally beautiful" wines can withstand the cultivation of wooden wine barrels. For wine with a weak foundation, if it must be cultivated in it, it will result in a rougher quality, a more bitter taste, and the only fruit aroma will be suppressed by the oak flavor, leaving only the pungent oak flavor.
Mistake 2: Wine cannot be made with solid wood powder, solid wood chips, or solid wood boards.
Wooden barrels are essential for producing high-quality wine, but not all wines can be aged in wooden barrels. When the wine is thin and the tannins are weak, oak chips, oak boards, etc. can be used.
Myth 3: Wooden wine barrels bring all the benefits to wine.
Oak barrel manufacturer
The wine barrel does not bring all the benefits to the wine, sometimes even the disadvantages. For example, wooden wine barrels that have not been cleaned or are too old can not only bring strange odors such as mold and rotten wood to the wine, but can even lead to excessive oxidation and spoilage.
Myth 4: Wine barrels can be used indefinitely.
Wine is stored in wooden wine barrels, mainly relying on the surface of solid wood to communicate with the wine. As the barrel age increases, the composition of solid wood will change. There is a lot of fragrance in new barrels, while the fragrance in old barrels will gradually decrease. With the increase of application frequency, old wooden barrels are prone to contamination by unfavorable microorganisms. The application of wooden wine barrels inevitably has a certain age limit, and they need to be replaced at a certain period of time.


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