

發(fā)布于:2023-09-25 10:37:21  來源:http://www.88l9.cn

The fully automatic stubble drying machine is a new type of brewing equipment with the characteristics of fast speed and high efficiency. It can automatically add water, bend pipes, discharge materials, and stir evenly, achieving ideal cooling effect. The bending device is one of the more important devices in the fully automatic stubble drying machine. The bending device is located at the bottom of the cold stubble machine, forming a collection effect on the leaked materials from the discharge port, thereby saving materials and avoiding waste.
The fully automatic stubble drying machine itself has great advantages, as it has good advantages and can also save materials.
The fully automatic stubble drying machine is a device that mixes residual stubble after cooling and stirring, and then adds koji for mixing. Short working hours, very resource saving, automatic loading and unloading, reducing labor intensity of workers, and eliminating waste of food. The parts in contact with the particles are all made of stainless steel. In addition, when the machine is in use, frequency conversion speed regulation is used for conveying, stirring, and lowering.
When in use, the stubble passes through the conveyor belt, and the fan works while crushing and stirring. The temperature drops rapidly, and the cooled stubble is automatically mixed with the koji in the feeding device. The fully automatic stubble drying machine of this utility model improves the cooling effect, reduces power consumption, solves the self blocking phenomenon of existing equipment, and realizes the automatic mixing of residual stubble and koji.
Before starting the fully automatic stubble drying machine, first check whether the motor of the machine is normal, and then start the equipment. During the inspection, a hair dryer should be used to blow away dust and other dirt inside the motor and measure whether the wiring is qualified. If mechanical damage or sparks are found on the motor, necessary measures should be taken immediately.
The above is the content introduced by the manufacturer of the fully automatic stubble cooling machine. Thank you for taking the time to check our company's information content http://www.88l9.cn If you want to learn more, welcome to call for consultation!


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