

發(fā)布于:2023-11-13 09:45:20  來(lái)源:http://www.88l9.cn

After installing small brewing equipment, rinse the saccharification pot, filter, and sedimentation tank with tap water. When rinsing the fermentation tank, connect the water pipe to the fermentation tank exhaust valve, open the exhaust valve, and clean for 10 minutes.
2. Clean with sodium hydroxide. Add about 200L of tap water to the saccharification pot, add 3% sodium hydroxide tablets, and heat to 80-500. By conveying the crushing mixer, filter, and beverage pump, the alkaline solution cleaning of the crushing pot and filter tank is achieved. Connect the piping from the heat exchanger to the drainage valve of the fermentation tank from the beverage pump, and place sodium hydroxide into the fermentation tank. The beverage pump circulates the alkaline solution of the fermentation tank through the waste liquid pipe and exhaust pipe. After 20 minutes of alkaline cleaning, it is placed into the next fermentation tank through the drainage pipe, and proceed in the above order.
After cleaning the alkaline solution in the fermentation tank, the alkaline solution can be put into the tank or diluted and emptied. When cleaning other fermentation tanks, after the temperature of the alkaline solution drops, the alkaline solution can be recycled into the tamping pot, and then heated for cleaning.
4. Add enough tap water to the masher and heat it to 90-100 degrees Celsius. By transporting the saccharification mixer, filter, and beverage pump, the alkaline cleaning of the saccharification pot, filter, and sedimentation tank has been achieved. To flush dead corners, manual flushing is required.
When cleaning the fermentation tank with warm water, connect the pipeline from the beverage pump to the heat exchanger to the fermentation tank exhaust valve, open the fermentation tank exhaust valve, and clean for 5 minutes. Then, please rinse again with tap water before using small brewing equipment.


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